World TB Day 2023 Ministerial press briefing

The NTBLCP and partners commemorated the 2023 World TB Day (WTBD) from the 17th – 25th March. The global theme for this year, “Yes, We can end TB!” aims to inspire hope and encourage high-level leadership, increase investments, uptake of new WHO recommendations, and multisectoral collaboration to combat the TB epidemic. In Nigeria, this theme was complemented by the slogan, “Get Involved”. The slogan was meant to inspire individuals, organizations, and the general public to take responsibility in spreading the message on the prevention, free diagnosis and treatment of TB in Nigeria including an end to stigma and discrimination.

Some outstanding outputs from the commemoration include; carrying all the 774 TB LGA supervisors along through the State Program Managers in conducting outreaches for TB in all the LGAs in Nigeria; the road walk in Abuja where 2 of the 3 samples collected were positive for TB; the over one million subscribers who received TB SMS during the week; the training of teachers and sensitization of pupils in 5 schools in the FCT; including mass and social media coverage.
At the state level, the week was commemorated in diverse ways including media appearances, sensitization and screening in schools (66 in Oyo State), integrated outreaches (TB screening, HIV tests, COVID-19 testing, and vaccination, distribution of condoms, etc.) at religious settings and motor parks. More pictures and a draft report of the events can be accessed