• Ending the TB epidemic in Nigeria

    Reduce the prevalence of Tuberculosis, Leprosy, and Buruli Ulcer to the point where they no longer pose a public health risk in the country.

    Learn moreNational Strategic Plan


Reduce the prevalence of Tuberculosis, Leprosy, and Buruli Ulcer to the point where they no longer pose a public health risk in the country.

The National Tuberculosis and Leprosy Control Programme (NTBLCP) was established in 1989 by the Government of Nigeria to coordinate TB and leprosy control efforts in Nigeria. Its mandate was further expanded to include Buruli Ulcer control in 2006.

TB Data Centre


TB Treatment Coverage (2021)


Drug-Resistant TB Notifications (2022)


TB Treatment Success Rate (2020)

NTBLCP National Strategic Plan

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National Strategic Plan

This National Strategic Plan for Tuberculosis Control, 2021-2025 is a call to action for all stakeholders in Nigeria – political leaders and government officials at all levels, religious leaders, business leaders, public and private health providers, communities and individuals affected by TB.

National Strategic Plan

This National Strategic Plan for Tuberculosis Control, 2021-2025 is a call to action for all stakeholders in Nigeria – political leaders and government officials at all levels, religious leaders, business leaders, public and private health providers, communities and individuals affected by TB.


NTBLCP strives to eliminate TB in Nigeria.

Its mission is to “save Nigerian lives, reach zero TB deaths and reduce the burden and impact of TB, drug-resistant TB and TB/HIV in Nigeria.”

News Updates


Mission of the NTBLCP for TB

Nigeria free of TB, expressed as, zero death, disease and suffering due to TB.